Hair - Bleach - Hair Color

How to Get Your Hair Back to Its Natural Color After Bleaching: 3 Easy Steps

Regain your natural hair color after bleaching with our comprehensive guide. Find out how to restore hair health, reverse bleach damage, and gradually return to your original shade. Your natural hair journey begins here.

Written by Danish Bodycare
How to Get Your Hair Back to Its Natural Color After Bleaching

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Bleaching your hair can be a fun way to change up your look, but it can also cause damage to your hair.

If you’ve bleached your hair and want to get back to your natural color, there are solutions available.

According to a survey by L’Oreal, 70% of women who dye their hair wanted to go back to their natural color.

Our guide offers simple solutions that won’t harm your hair. With gentle techniques and helpful tips, you can revitalize your hair without causing damage.

Say goodbye to bleached tones and hello to your real beauty!

Can You Get Your Natural Hair Color Back After Bleaching?

Can You Get Your Natural Hair Color Back After Bleaching

Yes, you can get your natural hair color back after bleaching, but it may take some time and patience.

Restoring your hair’s original shade depends on your hair growth and health. Give your hair the care it needs so you can enjoy your natural color once again.

How to Determine Your Natural Hair Color

Regaining your natural hair color after bleaching requires both patience and diligence.

As your hair grows, the new strands show your true color. Key identifiers are the main color and the subtle tones, like red, green, or gold, that you can see at the roots of your hair.

During this time, maintain good hair care habits.

Trim split ends, use nourishing conditioners, and avoid excessive heat styling to make your hair healthier. It will also recover faster.

Most natural hair regrowth occur within a few months.

Here is a table to help guide you through this process:

DescriptionTips & Tricks
Observe your roots: As your hair grows after bleaching, you’ll see your natural color at the roots.Use a small mirror to check the color of hair at the back of your head.
Identify the dominant shade and undertones: Look for the dominant shade and subtle colors like red, green, or gold in your roots.Check your hair color outside in the sun. It helps to see the true colors.
Maintain healthy hair habits: Trim split ends, use good conditioners, and avoid heat styling tools. This keeps your hair in good shape.If you need to use hot hair tools, use a spray that protects your hair from heat.
Balayage or highlights: Try adding balayage or highlights. This will blend the dyed hair with the new growth.If you want to try balayage or highlights, ask a hair expert to do it.
Use color-depositing conditioners or masks: These can help soften the bright bleach color. So, the change isn’t as obvious.Pick a hair mask or conditioner that’s the color you want your hair to be.
Be patient: Returning to your natural color takes time, usually a few months.While you wait for your hair color to return, have fun trying different hairstyles!
Consult a professional if you’re unsure about the process.If you’re not sure what to do, find a hair expert who knows a lot about changing hair colors.

How to Get Your Hair Back to Its Natural Color After Bleaching

Returning to your natural hair color after bleaching can be an intricate process. It requires a strategic approach.

Whether you want a quick change or a slower transition, these steps will help you get back to your natural hair color.

  1. Grow out your natural hair
  2. Add highlights or lowlights (balayage)
  3. Use high-quality hair products
  4. Hide your natural grown-out roots
  5. Sport your natural grown-out roots
  6. Get regular hair trims
  7. Semi-permanent dye options
  8. Demi-permanent dye options
  9. Permanent hair color
  10. Consider a haircut
  11. Professional hair salon options

1. Grow Out Your Natural Hair

Be patient and let your hair grow out.

During this time, take care of your hair by using gentle shampoo and conditioner. This helps your natural color return in a gradual way.

2. Add Highlights or Lowlights (Balayage)

Add highlights or lowlights with a technique called balayage. This blends the bleached hair with your natural color, creating a seamless transition.

3. Use High-Quality Hair Products

Invest in high-quality hair products like sulfate-free shampoo, conditioner, and hair masks.

These nourish and protect your hair, making it healthy and ready for new color.

4. Hide Your Natural Grown-Out Roots

Use root concealers in creams, powders, sprays, or sticks to hide your grown-out roots. They come in various shades to match your natural color.

5. Sport Your Natural Grown-Out Roots

Embrace your grown-out roots and turn them into a style statement. Others will see your confident attitude toward your hair’s journey back to its natural color.

6. Get Regular Hair Trims

Regular trims remove damaged ends and promote healthy hair growth. This also speeds up the process of getting back your natural color.

7. Semi-Permanent Dye Options

Try semi-permanent dyes to fade and blend the bleached hair into your natural color. These dyes wash out in several weeks, allowing for a more natural transition.

8. Demi-Permanent Dye Options

Demi-permanent dyes are another option for a gentle transition.

These last longer than semi-permanent dye. But they still fade over time, helping your hair return to its natural color.

9. Permanent Hair Color

A permanent hair color can cover the bleached hair completely. Choose a shade close to your natural color for the best results.

10. Consider a Haircut

A shorter haircut can speed up the process of returning to your natural color. Plus, it removes damaged hair and gives you a fresh look.

11. Professional Hair Salon Options

Consult a professional hairstylist. They will provide advice on the best approach to restore your hair’s natural color.

They can also guide you through the most suitable options for your unique situation.

Pros and Cons of Returning to Your Natural Hair Color

Pros and Cons of Returning to Your Natural Hair Color

Navigating the journey back to your natural hair color can be a complex decision.

Here are the major pros and cons to consider.


  • Saves Money: Going natural means less frequent salon visits and fewer products needed.
  • Healthier Hair: Avoiding harsh chemicals reduces damage and dryness.
  • Cost and Time Efficiency: You can save both money and time by not going to the salon often or doing home dyeing.
  • Unique Appeal: Your natural color, unique to you, accentuates your individuality and authenticity.
  • Safer for Your Hair: When you avoid using synthetic dyes, it reduces the chance of allergies or scalp irritations. This makes your hair healthier.


  • Less Versatility: You may miss experimenting with different colors.
  • Initial Patience: It could take time to grow out or blend back to your natural shade.
  • Unexpected Transition: As you transition, you might discover grays or a different natural hair color that you don’t like.
  • High Maintenance: Dealing with the two-tone look while your hair grows out might need special hairstyles or treatments.
  • Emotional Adjustment: The sudden change in appearance can affect your self-image. You may need some time for emotional adjustment and acceptance of your natural hue.

Instructions for Specific Hair Colors

Returning to your natural hair color after bleaching can be a different journey depending on your original hair shade.

In the next sections, we give advice for those who want to return to blonde, brown, or gray hair after bleaching.

Read on to find out:

  • How to go back to your natural blonde hair after bleaching
  • How to go back to your natural brown hair after bleaching
  • How to go back to your natural gray hair after bleaching

Get Blonde Hair Back After Bleaching

To return to your natural blonde color, choose a dye that is close to your original shade.

  1. Apply the dye to your hair, focusing on mid-lengths and ends first, then roots.
  2. Process the dye according to the packaging instructions.
  3. Use hair care products designed for color-treated hair.

This maintains your new color and keeps your hair healthy.

Click the link to read about the benefits of blue shampoo on bleached hair.

Get Natural Brown Hair Back After Bleaching

  1. For natural brown hair, first apply a filler color to avoid any green or uneven tones.
  2. Choose a red or orange-based dye that is one shade lighter than your desired brown.
  3. Apply it to your hair, wait for the recommended processing time, and rinse.
  4. Next, choose a brown dye that matches your natural color.
  5. Follow the same application process as with the filler color.
  6. Keep your locks in top shape by using products suited for color-treated hair.

Get Natural Gray Hair Back After Bleaching

Going back to natural gray hair after bleaching requires a more careful approach.

  1. Choose a demi-permanent dye close to your natural gray color.
  2. Apply the dye by following the instructions.
  3. This usually involves focusing on mid-lengths and ends first, then roots.
  4. Leave the dye in your hair for the recommended processing time.
  5. Usually this is around 20-30 minutes.
  6. Rinse your hair and use hair care products designed for color-treated, gray hair.
  7. This maintains your new hue and keeps it vibrant.

Discover what purple shampoo does to gray hair here.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I get my natural hair color back after bleaching?

Yes, you can get your natural hair color back after bleaching. You can either grow out your hair and cut off the bleached parts, or dye it back to its original color. Be patient, though. It might take some time and many salon visits to achieve the perfect match to your natural shade.

Can bleached hair turn dark again?

Yes, bleached hair can turn dark again. To turn bleached black hair dark again, let your natural hair color grow back and don’t bleach it anymore. You can also dye bleached hair a darker color. But be cautious when doing this, as the bleaching process has already weakened your hair. Consult a professional hairstylist for advice on the right products and techniques to use to avoid further damage to your locks.

How do you reverse bleached hair?

While you can’t “reverse” bleached hair, you can do a few things to go back to your natural hair color. You can let your roots grow in or trim damaged ends. You can also use semi-permanent/demi-permanent color to match your original shade. Avoid further bleaching and practice deep conditioning for hair health. Be patient as the process takes time. Also, steer clear of heat styling to prevent more damage.

How long does it take for bleached hair to return to normal color?

It may take several weeks to several months for natural color to grow out and replace the bleached hair. The time it takes for bleached hair to return to its normal color varies depending on a few factors. These include how much hair you bleached, how fast your hair grows, and your hair type. To keep your hair healthy during this process, be patient and take good care of it.

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Danish Bodycare

The Danish Bodycare editorial staff consists of beauty experts, hairstylists, makeup artists, and models with years of experience in the personal care space.